Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday night touge with hatches.
As I was leaving the office, it friekin' rained on us... And I mean pouring! Nonetheless, I rushed home and took a good rest. I thought the trip was cancelled, so I was numbing myself out with episodes of Samurai X when Patrick SMS'd that they'd be at the meeting point in 20mins.
I rushed to get a refreshing shower, slip on some decent clothes and rushed out. We all met and I was horrified to see hatches all round. All Satrias and all running 4G93s~!!! My car looked like an overgrown buffalo in the lot.
Anyway, we had a short chat and they decided to put me in the lead so I'd put out some precautions and limitations as there was a first timer present, then we headed up.
As expected, the road was super wet and due to my torquey engine, I could only maintain speed even after the apex. There was no acceleration to be had if your tires are pointing anywhere but straight! I tried pushing a bit, and the beginners seemed fine, so I pushed a little more.. and more... and more... I eventually lost them, but was scared that something could have happened... I waited until I saw headlamps before clearing the next corner.
Upon reaching the dam, Raj took me for a ride down the serpentine roads leading to the dam gates. Damn this fella is fucking fast! I was amazed at his control over his machine at the very limits of grip.
It was a very fun night and everyone gained a little more understanding of their machines. Especially in the wet! Cheers fellas. I hope to see you all again soon.
*Sorry no pics as everyone was too excited going at Teluk Bahang full of puddles and fallen shrubbery.*
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday night touge with BCM members.
Obake-Ya prison themed Jap restaurant
The service was great, and the food tastes alright. No judgement yet as I'd yet to try the sashimi. Presentation of course gets an "A" for their effort.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thurs night, Dennis' farewell
Two of Jap's finest... Such beauties!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wed night, wet run
Anxious as a kid a day before visiting Disneyland, I invited Daniel (Civic) and Ah Ti (Kenari) to join me for the touge and of course Chris came along to see the results of his tuning. Daniel for one never says no to a touge run.
We all met up at the Shell station at the base of the touge and sadly, Daniel was en route from a party and without his trusty steed so he rode with me while Chris and Ah Ti pursued in the Kenari. We took it relatively slow seeing that we just had torrential rain.
We went for a non-stop run from Jalan tun Sardon all the way till the Teluk Bahang dam gates where we stopped by for some photos and some chit-chat.
I have to say that Chris' damper settings were fantastic and body roll had been minimized greatly. The front bump and rebound was good for the way I drive. Although I felt that the rear rebound was a bit too harsh but it was in fact great for the twisties. Good job Chris!
Here are some slick photography by Ah Ti in amber lighting using his Nokia N80. Sweet!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday night touge.
It was eleven p.m. and Daniel and I met up at the Tun Sardon lookout point for a smoke whilse we wait for Patrick and Raj whom have also decided to join us for touge.
Everyone had arrived and warming up for the touge.
We had a fairly good run through the reverse course and we all stopped by the dam gates to cool off the drivers and their machines. I had some icy cool menthols to share around... Nice...
It was getting late and we all had things to be attended to early morning so we took leave shortly and most of us did the forward course below 10mins. Not bad on a damp course! We'll try to hit under 9.30mins next time :)
Cheers guys and thanks for the company!
p.s. Here's Patrick's blog : patricksohai.blogspot.com
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
T-Bowl Restaurant
I'd decided to try the new theme restaurant at Queensbay mall just for kicks. It's themed as a toilet and all seats were toilet bowls while the tables are sinks.
This is a view of the interior. Simpl setup but with a weirdly nice ambience.
The seats were all toilet bowls, and some such as this had nice murals on them.
All in, it was a fairly interesting experience trying to eat on a seat you normally use to dump excrement... But the food was terrible although service was fair. The waitress kept speaking to me in some funny language even after I told her I did not understand multiple times! WTF???
I'm waiting to try out the Prison themed restaurant in town... I hope to do that soon, keep posted ;)
Dunlop Direzza
Kancil L2 full rebuild
I was at a friend's workshop as he was doing a Kancil L2 rebuild. This guy was super professional by washing the entire engine totally clean and stripped of all deposits. I mean clean! The engine was scrubbed until its bare metal/aluminum (engine head).
The block had been painted a metallic blue.
All the components were cleanly laid out and segragated.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Touge videos
Here are the vids :
Teluk Bahang to Batu Feringghi
Batu Feringghi to Tanjung Bungah
Vale of Tempe (Chui Di Lor)
Enjoy the vids :)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Touge for Friendship (Part 2)
After a short chit-chat session and a couple of ciggies, Tougeking wanted me to navigate him through the Teluk Bahang to Balik Pulau part of the touge. So off we went for Round 2 in the thick pillared Satria Neo with Tougeking at the helm.
*Please refer to Tougeking.blogspot.com for the video*
We arrived back at the dam to find that most of the crowd had moved off so we'd shifted to a better lit area next to the guardpost.
Left - Right : TK's Neo, ScAv's Silver Banana, and Tan's V6.
Sorry not many pics as I was already called in for the 3rd round of touge.
Tougeking had so much fun through the super twisty touge that Ah Boy also wanted to get in on the action, I for one did not want to miss the workout so I took lead in my Silver Banana. Tougeking rode with Boy in his EG B16B and Raj and Patrick rode with me in my Silver Banana 4G63 SOHC (I'll just call it torque for now due to its charachteristics)
Round 3 touge : We had a little Torque vs VTEC battle up the touge! Boy and I were having a fun drive and we hit the touge super fast with Boy's EG giving chase with much effort put in but still trailing. I had to wait a bit, just to be sure nothing happened while Boy tried to catch up (I had home course advantage). I'd arrived a little ahead of Boy, so Patrick, Raj and I decided to come out for a ciggie whilst we wait. When Boy eventually arrived at the checkpoint, everyone talked as if we'd known each other for ages even though we had not chatted before. Touge for friendship!!!
My Silver Banana in front with the yellow spotlights with Ah Boy's Civic EG Type-R at the Balik Pulau checkpoint. Ah Boy's "Primo" example of a beaut EG.
Tougeking as usual being the drama queen that he is, did not want to see the arse of another car through the touge and decided to sit in on my drive back to the dam gates. No worries this round as Patrick (also a local) rode back with Boy. So we took the touge super fast this time and I scratched my front passenger side rim on a low curb as a consequence. Haiz... But thankfully, nothing went awry and check-ups were made upon arrival at the dam gates.
It was a super hard workout due to the fast driving, I was sweating profusely! We cooled down, chatted a bit and parted ways as it was already 4.30a.m.
I went home a happy man.. Delighted to see a stock Perdana could handle the touge averagely well on stock suspension and all the touge excitement had been vented outta me. Phew! What a night!!!
Sat night touge with Tougeking : Touge for friendship (Part 1)
It was Tougeking on the other side of the line at 8+ a.m.~!!! Friekin' hell... I had just got some shut eye. Anyhow, good news followed, Tougeking was coming up to Penang for the Teluk Bahang touge! I jumped outta bed and started to get my car prepped.
I went over and waited around 5 hrs at Chuan Ghee tire shop to get my balancing and alignment done. I removed the stupid HID units from my headlamps (by the road side) in the mean time. Stupid thing is bloody well glaring, but as bright as a dim bulb! I installed my original Koito halogen H4's and off to the Smart Tint (friend's accessory shop) to get some spotlights installed.
The spotlight install was stopped short to do the wheel balancing and alignment. With tremendous amounts of chit-chat and smokes in between, I had completed the spotlight install at 10.30p.m. As I wanted a quality install, I was willing to wait until I had undivided attention from the installer. Yesterday night proves that he did not dissapoint.
I rushed home for a bath and a quick nap then off to meet the entire gang at Tommax stickers in wait for Tougeking's arrival which he cordially did to the sound of a 5Zigen Pro-Racer! We sat down for some drinks at Fantasi Nasi Kandar and waited for Raj & Patrick's contingent to arrive. Then off we went to the Relau Shell station for fill-ups and air pressure check. Everyone regrouped and off we went at around 1.30a.m. We were joined by Ah Han (Tougeking's mech & buddy), Ah Boy in his EG B16B, BC Machine Tan and Lao San, MyviC fellows (super friendly bunch), Chean Exhaust group from Parit Buntar and Raj & Patrick along with their friends. We'd split the group up into 2 groups, one group will be driving "enthusiastically" whilst the other will cruise.
This pic of the huge TT was taken with MyviC outside having a puff and still missing Raj & Patricks group.
Dr. Goh meets Dr. Goh at Touge for Friendship (Pg Edition)
I'd led the "enthusiastic" group whilst Tommy of Tommax led the cruisers.
Our route was through Jalan Tun Sardon to Balik Pulau, then cruise through the township and head to Teluk Bahang past Titi Kerawang and eventually all arrived at the Teluk Bahang Dam with (thankfully) no occurences or mishaps.
*Not many pics as I was eager to drive. Hope I can steal a few pictures from Tougeking's or Patrick's blog :P *
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Open Track Day price revised!
Old price : RM150.00
Revised price : RM100.00
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Open Track Day at Dato' Sagor Track
The date is set as such since Wesak is on Monday so we'll all be off from work. Not to mention that it'll provide ample time to prepare your cars for the track excursion. This date is of course tentative and subject to change, depending on the majority of participants needs.
The price so far had been set at RM150 for a full day of high-revving motoring fun. Of course there will be short breaks in between in respect for the nearby mosque as they'll be having their prayers. But more than ample track time to quench our insatiable appetite for RPMs.
The event will be themed as : "NO FRILLS, JUST THRILLS"
It'll be a free and easy event as long as safety is observed on and off the track. Hope to see you all there. Cheers!
Feel free to drop me a comment and let me know what you guys think.