Date: 06th December 2009
Time: 9.00a.m – 7.00p.m.
Fees: RM150 per Participant
Category: 1300cc, 1500cc, 1600cc, 1800cc & Open class
Rules & regulations: helmet & sport shoes are required
Rewards: Champion – RM150 cash prize; 1st Runner Up – RM100 cash prize; 2nd Runner Up – RM50 cash prize;
Rewards: Champion – RM150 cash prize; 1st Runner Up – RM100 cash prize; 2nd Runner Up – RM50 cash prize;
Hamper, trophy & NorthernTouge T-shirt will be given out too
Each participant is allowed to race in their own category & the following 1 class upper. (e.g. cars that qualify to race in the 1300cc category are also allowed a second race in the 1500cc category only).
Each participant is allowed to race in their own category & the following 1 class upper. (e.g. cars that qualify to race in the 1300cc category are also allowed a second race in the 1500cc category only).
All participants are required to reach the track by 9.00a.m. sharp for briefing and practice runs.
We are limiting the participation to only 50 participants & confirmation will be based on a first come, first serve basis upon payment.
NorthernTouge T-shirt is available for sale at RM30 per pc. We'd be grateful for early orders, before the 15th of October, if you’re interested in allocating one of these limited NorthernTouge T-shirts for yourself, your spouse, or your grandma!
Contact Person:
Leng – 016-4430016
ScAvEnGeR – 012-4077575
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our sponsors, participants and all those contributing towards the success of the “NorthernTouge Race Day”
Our Sponsors Include:
Our Sponsors Include:
- Ultrex Brake Pads (Brake Pads sponsorship)
- Camo3
- RPM Autowork
- Tommax Sticker
- Tit Luen Exhaust
- Kean Auto Cooling Services
- Car Magic Car Wash
- TWC Car Audio
- Evo Car Audio
- Chian Soon Tyres (PG) Bkt. Jambul
- Kiong Lee Exhaust
- Soon Yee Exhaust
- Northern Garage
- M Power
1) Daniel (Honda Civic – PDV8663)2) Lee Chin Hooi (Civic EF 1.6 PCW 7323)3) Soon (Wira gsr- KAK8209)4) Suhaimie (Wira mivec- PCU6181)5) Jackson Foo (Satria 1.8 PDJ 8395)6) Shazwan (DC5 V-Tec-WKH3266)7) Hazuha bin Hussin (Satria 1.3 WGE 7791)8 ) S.Mathan (Integra 1.8 JGB 7200)9) Chun (Waja 1.6 PDF 5107)10) Hong (Subaru v.7- WNU2894)11) Hin (Myvi PHK1511)12) Pin (Wira PDU9686)13) AK (Satria 1.6 PDB5948)14) Roxes (Civic V-Tec PCW6128)15) Kenny Chan (Wira 1.5 PDC127)16) Sunny (Kelisa AES 6570)17) Loo Boon Tat (Civic EG 1.6 JCW 3122)18) Kwang (Kelisa 1.0 PFE 5342)19) Khen (TX3 WFT 7263)
20) Azhar (Wira 1.8 PDP 3389)
21) Mohd. Faizal (Wira 1.5 PEQ 7596)
22) Muhammad Khairul (Waja 1.6 PGM 2983)
23) Ezwan (Iswara 1.3 PEW 8108)
24) Nizar (Kancil L2 IFB 45)
25) Muhammad Syahrul (Satria 1.6 PDD 7115)
26) Adi Azman (Wira 1.6 WFM 3595)
27) Shahril (Kancil L2 WFL 3415)
28) William (Wira 1.8 PCN 9762)
20) Azhar (Wira 1.8 PDP 3389)
21) Mohd. Faizal (Wira 1.5 PEQ 7596)
22) Muhammad Khairul (Waja 1.6 PGM 2983)
23) Ezwan (Iswara 1.3 PEW 8108)
24) Nizar (Kancil L2 IFB 45)
25) Muhammad Syahrul (Satria 1.6 PDD 7115)
26) Adi Azman (Wira 1.6 WFM 3595)
27) Shahril (Kancil L2 WFL 3415)
28) William (Wira 1.8 PCN 9762)
29) Mail (Iswara Aeroback 1.3 PDW 9738)
30) Ivan (Satria 1.8 PDF 7308)
31) Yee Mun Hong (Wira 2.0 PDI 2508)
32) Justin Cheah (206 1.4 PHL 2827)
33) Robert Loke (Satria 1.3 PDL 6567)
34) Low Yong Fook (Toyota AE80 1.6 SS4889B)
35) Baharum B. Mat (Kancil L2 PDD 1085)
36) Chan Khai Pin (Wira 1.6 PEM 9488)
37) Nazrul (Wira 1.6 PCY 8530)
38) Dicky Ramfatiwi (Wira 1.6 PDW 7076)
39) Erik tan (Proton satria 1.8 ADW 8887)
40) Albert (Proton satria 1.8 WXX 8178)
41) Shahrul Hisham (KE70 1.6 KN 2427)
42) Mohd Noh (Saga 1.5 WCH 5040)
43) Jan (Saga 1.5 JCJ 5746)
43) Jan (Saga 1.5 JCJ 5746)
44) Bob (Wira 1.8 PDM 6668)
45) Saw Kah Chun (Honda City 1.3 PDT 3738)
i missed driving alot
Haha... Come for track day la.
waahhh...so many L2 wo~ ppssshhh~
We should have a really fun time watching the 1.3 race. Good luck Robert. "Chia you"~!!!
yeah.... i'm freaking far away hahaha....... yeah... i do miss track day
Never mind la... The track there looks so much better. Not to mention there are a lot of independant tracks there that are "under-utilized".. *hint*hint*
got track i no car.... i use my legs and run round the track and shout"i want, i want, i want, i want" LoL
i duwan add oil lar, i need to add some power la~ abo sure kenal tapao by those phhsss phhsss cars eh~
DoriX, good ma... Exercise bro. Hahaha...
Robert Champ, I believe in you... Sure can wan. Ganbatte.
wow, more n more participants d~
reserve 1 place for me ya, i 100% will going if my car wont break down in last minute...hehehehehehe!
track day mari!
Robert my man... I will definitely do so. You've been a super steady "kaki" for so long, I'll add you in the list immediately ;)
aiyo...pls delete the 'terminator' la, dun scared ppl la...write as normal can d lol~ wakaka!
Done bro... No worries... You're more "terkenal" with the Terminator name ma. Hahaha...
34) Jeffrey (Myvi) number plate??
I don't have his details yet... Coming from KL 'tho. ;)
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