First off, I'd like to thank my good friend Tommy for his hard work repainting and putting on the beautiful decals on my "new" helmet.

Can see part of my Shell Ferrarri collection in the background :P

Here's what we've all been waiting for... Track Day PICS~!!!
We started off in the early morning and this is the convoy waiting for the trailing participants to arrive. It was massive! You can hardly see the end.

The Penang convoy had arrived on track and the leading car, driven by a very helpful Tan, was waiting eagerly to enter.

Tommy (stickerman) was helping to setup the registration counter and looking "mui" important!

We had beautiful ladies helping out with registration and as "decoration" :P

Our defending champion returns for another bout.

Parit Buntar's main man, Chean, signing up for participation in his Wira GSR (1.8T). *Keong, where are you?!?!?!*

Boy was eager to "help out" with issuing the stickers. Beaut EK9 btw, sweet ride ;)

Even though it rained, nothing was to dampen our spirits and we still pounded the track with RWD monstrosities and the odd FWD "hand-brakers"! We got really wet, but we won't have it any other way.

The 1.6 and below class top three: (L to R) Champion - Teoh from Team Imperials, 1st runner up - Richard from Team Imperials, and 2nd runner up - William from Northern Garage.
Teoh and William, you guys were fast as always.. William, you've improved a lot, keep it up.

The 1.8 class Champion (again) - Suhaimi from Kiong Lee in his 1.8 MIVEC Wira.

1st runner up of the 1.8 class - Sham representing his own workshop.
Great job on the track although this man came out confused, "Saya 2nd a? I pening la, corner banyak! I biasa drag", was his first words out of the car!
2nd runner up for the 1.8 class was a pristine EK99 B16B Civic. I'm sorry I didn't get your name bro, do contact me and I'll revise this post.
The podium for the Open Class...
Champion - Suhaimi (again!)
1st runner up - Sham (again!)
2nd runner up - Beautifully modded VW Golf GTi [I'm very sorry I also did not get your name. Do contact me to review this post ;) ]

I'm sure all that had been there had their fun even when the sun shunned, and the rain came out to play. Great event and thanks all for being there... For those who've missed it, watch this space for updates on future track days, and good luck with your builds/preps!
More pics coming soon. Keep an eye out!
I'd also like to wish a gratuitious and resounding THANK YOU! to the members of RC Square for entertaining us with their superb aerial show.
p.s. Thanks for cutting the grass with your RC helicopter ya :P