Contrary to what you may have conceived in your corrupted little mind, and I know the title sounds like a catch-phrase for liposuction and botox :P However, there will be multiple updates today as I've not done so for ever such a long time. So bear with me whilst I blabber on...
About two weeks ago, I brought the Silver Banana over to Soon at Mansion II after he'd called up about putting me up with a surround to complete the looks. So I dropped the SB off for Soon to work his magic and after a couple of hours, all modifications and mouldings were done up and the skirts were ready for masking and paint.

Mark and I were there to perform the masking and painting... He did the masking (which was tough due to the curves), and I did the grinding down and painting. Which turned out quite sucessful except for a few areas that needed putty.

Ponna excellent job macha.. Thanks a bundle.

Once we were done with the paint and everything was glossy and shiny, Soon got to work to install the skirts. These were done without rivets or screws as I'd requested not to drill holes in the chassis. As usual, Soon did a fantastic job... This dude is gifted, I tell ya!

This is a profile shot of the complete works.

Rear 3/4 vision. The Silver Banana does have a fat ass doesn't she?

Rear shot of my banged up bumper... Again, I'd just like to say I hate bikes. Or at least those that like to ride fast and can't control their machines.

As customary after every visit to the fiberworks shop, it's time to wash down the Silver Banana. It was whence I'd realise that the Silver Banana is indeed a huge ass mutha'tucker. Time to downsize methinks... *mind churns*... *evil grin*
However, a week down the road and there was unanimous vote to add in canards to the fiber concoction already present. So Soon got to measuring and conjuring me up a set of whiskers.
Installed and looks excellent. Just for looks though... Hehehe...
As I was beginning to think that we were complete, my mech (and main advisor) Fer had a brilliant stroke of imagination and suggested more items!
A million thanks to Mansion II for the excellent job, and to Soon no less, for the tedious attention to details and care during the installation.
Check back soon for further updates.