Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Leng's new 70

As VictorGR left after dinner, I had a call from Ah Leng right about then about his KE70 that he'd just sent over to Fer for a Weber install and tuning. Leng had requested me to test drive, we were finishing up Soon's car, and it was getting late so I agreed to do the drive early the next morning.

This morning, Leng called up bright and early for the test drive and as I'd promised him, I dragged myself out of bed and we blasted up the touge to Balik Pulau and the Weber was performing beautifully. Crisp and sharp throttle response with much smoother torque across the RPM band. Fer is quite the authority on Webers here in Penang.
The Weber looks fantastic although the base looks a little rough, we'll be looking into that later on as Leng wanted to get it up and running in quite a hurry.
Our midway stop on the way back after having a light breakfast at Balik Pulau. The air there is just refreshingly crisp and clean.
Rear three quarter view of Leng's pristine KE70 which he bought as is.
Good job on the purchase and great decision to install the carbs.


Anonymous said...

Isnt this car for sale now in Drift.com.my?? Whats the reason?

ScAvEnGeR said...

Hey there fella, care to intro?

Anyway, our bro Leng is picking up another project and he's letting go of his "Weber-ed"-70 and RWD thrills (for now!).