There were funny parts in it but it was a pretty big bashing of gay ppl, Jews, and others… Sacha is out of hand. I’m sure people are gonna be offended..
Borat was nothing, compared to this…

The fumes, the mechanical notes, the hi-octane drama... EUPHORIA~!!!
I was just observing the difference in thread depth between the two, and the disadvantages of running a heavy car rears its (figurative) ugly, rubber consuming head. I just love the aggresive thread design... Dang, the thread looks awesome!
After driving around a while, I found that these tires are indeed a great all rounder with excellent grip in the dry and unbelievable grip in the wet, very progressive loss of traction, not as much road noise as my Kumhos and fantastic high speed stability (110km/h in a straight line of course).
Plus line tracking (tracing) and all round stability was up from the Kumhos.There's no doubt as to why it outranked all other tires as an all round performer on multiple independant tire tests.
Two thumbs up from me!!!